PE Exemption Form
This Form must be completed by all rising Juniors and Seniors as part of the registration process for next year. All students are required to complete four years of PE; however students who are 16 years old or older and who have passed two years of PE during their freshman and sophomore years may opt-out of PE during their Junior and/or senior years by requesting an exemption. A form must be completed each year.
Planning for Highschool
Transcript Requests
Letter of Recommendation Request
Catalog 2025-2026
Catálogo en español
8th Grade Pre-Registration Power Point for class of 2029
Class of 2029 Course Request Form (incoming 9th)
RCHS Pre-Registration Power Point current 9-11
Class of 2026 Course Request Form (Senior next year)
Class of 2027 Course Request Form (Junior next year)
Class of 2028 Course Request Form (Sophomore next year)
Students will be expected to keep the courses they selected. An exception to this will be made if a student meets one of the criteria listed below. If student's do not submit their course requests during the scheduling window or do not fill in alternate choices, a counselor will create a schedule for the student based on credits needed and course availability.
Schedule changes will be made for the following reasons only and dependent on availability:
- I am missing a class I need to graduate.
- I have a duplicate period in the same term.
- I am in the wrong level of a class (ex: I am scheduled for Integrated Math 2, but I failed Integrated Math 1).
- I am missing a period from my schedule.
- Lunch changes
- Teacher changes
- Rearranging periods
- Electives
Senior Year Info
Class of 2025 google classroom: If you are not part of the google classroom, please use join code: krwkdgc
SENIOR WEEK (Month of May)
Participation in events will depend upon student behavior and academics. If you are on the NO-GO-LIST you will not be able to participate in any of the activities and school events. The “No-Go-List” is a list of students who have two Fs and/or 10 tardies per term.
Senior Class Events
(Subject to Change)
3/29/2025: Prom
2025 TBD: Senior Trip
2025: TBD Senior Grad Walk & Senior Breakfast
6/2/2025 Senior Sunset
6/4/2025 Graduation
SAT Dates ( dates: Sep 14, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7, March 8, May 3, June 7
ACT Dates ( dates: Sept 9, Oct 26, Dec 14: Feb.8, April 5, June 14, July 12
College and Career Resources
RACC on the Road College Directory - Regional Admissions Counselors of CA
Applying to a UC Video
University of CA Admission Presentation
University of California Virtual Tours
Early Academic Outreach Program
Helping Black Families Navigate the Admissions Process
General Information
Financial Aid
College & Career Readiness
Graduation Requirements
Fall Term: English, Science, PE, Elective
Spring Term: Math, World Language, BFS, Elective
- 250 Credits in Core Courses
- 32 Hours Service Learning (8 per year)
4 terms / 40 credits
3 terms / 30 credits
(including Math 2)
2 yrs lab science
2 terms / 20 credits
(both must be lab sciences:1 year physical science, 1 year life science)
Social Science
World History 10th
US History 11th
US Government /
Economics 12th
3 terms / 30 credits
World History (10 credits)
US History (10 credits)
US Gov’t (5 credits)
Economics (5 credits)
World Languages
2 terms / 20 credits Must be the same language
Visual / Performing Arts
1 term / 10 credits
Building Foundations for Success
1 term /10 credits
Physical Education
2 terms / 20* credits *students who do not pass Physical Fitness Exams will be required to take additional credits of PE
70 credits

Bryte Campus
Bryte Campus
WUSD's Career Technical Education Department offers sequences of courses or pathways in 9 career areas. Refer to the links below to learn more about WUSD's Career and Technical Education pathways. With the aid of local industry partners, many of our programs offer work-based learning opportunities including mentoring, guest speakers, job shadowing, and internships.
Each of our career and technical education pathways prepares students to enter employment directly following high school and/or prepares students to continue their educational and career goals in aligned programs at local colleges. In addition, our programs have been designed with regular input from advisory committee members who keep our programs relevant with up-to-date industry expectations and standards.
Combined with other academic offerings, students enrolled in Career Technical Education are able to meet UC/CSU A-G college entrance requirements as well as high school graduation requirements and career goals.
Service Learning
- Service Learning questions can be referred to an Assistant Principal.
- Students should turn in all Service Learning paperwork, current and previous year's paperwork, to the correct boxes in the AP office as soon as the hours have been completed. You do NOT have to wait for the due date deadline.
- If you do not complete service learning hours for previous years, you may be ineligible to play a sport and/or obtain a work permit.
- How many Service Learning hours are required?
Students are required to do 8 hours of service learning for every year of enrollment at RCHS. - Can a student work for the same organization all four years? Yes.
- Can students work for multiple organizations during the same year? Yes.
- When can service learning hours be completed? Students can complete hours for the next school year after June 2 of the current school year, unless otherwise approved. Any hours that were not completed can be made up at any time.
- Where can the Service Learning hours be completed? Service Learning hours must be completed for a non-profit company or charity group, a school, city or state agency, or a licensed nursing home or daycare. If a student is not sure an organization qualifies, please seek approval before completing the hours. Helping a neighbor with babysitting or yard work does not qualify for service learning.
- Where do students turn in their completed form? Service Learning paperwork should be turned in to the drop box in the Assistant Principals' office as soon as the hours and form has been completed.
- Must the Service Learning hours be completed? YES!! Service Learning is a graduation requirement; if students do not complete 8 hours of service learning for every year of enrollment at RCHS, students will be denied a diploma, work permits will be denied or revoked, and student athletes will not be permitted to play in league contests.
- Can a student be paid for the hours completed? No. Service Learning hours must be 100% voluntary. No compensation of any kind is allowed.
- Can students miss school to complete the required Service Learning hours? No. Students may not miss any part of the school day to complete service learning hours.
- Can students complete multiple years' requirements in one year? Yes, but only if the student is missing hours. For example, a Senior who hasn't completed any hours must complete all 32 hours their Senior year. However, a Freshman cannot complete all 32 hours their Freshman year.
- Is there a penalty for Seniors who do not complete the required number of hours? Yes. Seniors that have not completed Service Learning hours by the deadlines may have to appeal to have the deadline extended. See Mr. Guerra in the Assistant Principals' office for the appeal process if you fall under this category. In addition, Seniors will not receive a diploma and may be unable to participate in the graduation ceremony, as well as other Senior-specific events.
- Is there a penalty that affects other grade levels who do not complete the required number of hours? Yes. All students can be denied a work permit or can have it revoked. In addition, student athletes will be unable to play in league contests until the hours are brought current. This means that if a Sophomore is playing football and hasn't completed 9th grade hours, that student cannot play in league football games until 8 hours of Service Learning have been completed.
- Who does my student contact if he or she has questions about the Service Learning requirement? Please contact the Assistant Principals' secretary at 916-375-7800 x 2078
Dual Enrollment (Concurrent College Classes)
Dual Enrollment: High School or Adult School Admission and Enrollment Steps Note: the term "Dual Enrollment" is replacing "Advanced Education"
Dual Enrollment is a program that allows current high school and adult school students to take classes at Sacramento City College. Dual Enrollment students may enroll in 11 units each semester (across the Los Rios district). Applications must be submitted to each individual college.
We will accept forms via an online submission portal on our website or in person. We will no longer accept forms via email. Students must get their form signed by their Counselor and upload it, and their transcript to the site. We are also open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, students can submit in person or come during their enrollment time with their form.
- The student has completed eighth grade or will be at least 14 years old by the first day of instruction (visit the Academic Calendar to find the first day of the full term).The course the student wants to take is not available at their high school
- The student is prepared for advanced study as recommended by the high school counselor or designee.
- If a high school student, then the student has parental consent to be admitted and enroll at the college.Student Records
FASTWEB - your one stop scholarship shop!
Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship
Financial Aid
FAFSA / CAADA Workshop February 11, 2025 6-8 pm RCHS Cafeteria
Cash for College Night Slide Deck
- Answers to common questions about the FAFSA process -
- Online assistance and contact information for Federa Student Aid Information Center (FSAIC) - - 1-800-433-3243
- Student Resources
Athletes and College

Seal of Bi-Literacy
- Completion of all English language arts requirements for graduation with an overall grade point average of 2.0 or above.
- Passing the California Standards test in English language arts administered in grade 11 at the proficient level or above.
- For English learners not reclassified, attain the overall early advanced level on the English language development test
- Passing a World Language Advanced Placement examination with a score of 3 or higher
- Passing an International Baccalaureate examination with a score of 4 or higher
- Successful completion of a four-year high school course of study in a world language and attaining an overall grade point average of 3.0 or above and completion of district approved speaking exam.
- Passing a school district language exam that, at a minimum, assesses speaking, reading and writing passing at a proficient level or higher
- Passing the SAT II world language examination with a score of 600 or higher
Resources for Undocumented Students
High School Proficiency Exam
CHSPE Website
When and where is the CHSPE offered?
Who is eligible to take the CHSPE?
- You are at least sixteen years old.
- You have been enrolled in grade ten for one academic year or longer.
- You will complete one academic year of enrollment in grade ten at the end of the semester during which the next regular administration of the CHSPE will be conducted. (Regular administrations are the fall and spring administrations each school year.)
Homeless Youth Fee Wavier Information
Certified Foster Youth Fee Wavier Information
Embracing Diversity
- Self Injury
- Eating Disorders
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling)
- Excoriation Disorder (Skin Picking or Dermatillomania)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Anxiety