WEB DEVELOPER career information
WEB DEVELOPER career information![]()
WEB DEVELOPER career information
Web developer jobs are crucial to many businesses. They are employed in many different industries across both large and small businesses. They build the programming behind websites.
Web developers graduate with a variety of different majors, for example, some web developers graduate with a computer science degree. The remaining majors are a relatively equal mix of computer and information sciences, mathematics, and design and applied arts.
Common cities to find web developer jobs
Location is also important when selecting a career path. New York is one of the most favorable cities for graduates to work as web developers. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle all offer their own unique set of attractions to students.
Salary Range: $62,500 - $85,000
Industry: Computer Software
Click below to see jobs for Web Developers
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looking for a career?
Career Technical Education
Career Technical Education (CTE) is a term for educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied arts and sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation. Some examples of these programs are: automotive technology, construction, welding, culinary arts and early childhood education. Many community colleges offer certificates programs for certain jobs or trades. There are also private trade schools that offer similar training programs.Investigate your options carefully. Ask about job placement rates for recent graduates. Also, compare the costs of different schools.
Visit Career Technical Education at American River College to learn more.
You can research and apply for jobs either in person or on different websites. You will need a resume and possibly a cover letter to apply for many jobs. You can attend job fairs and network with as many people as you can to let them know that you are searching for a job.
Visit California Career Center to get a head start on resumes, cover letters and interview skills.
Career exploration
Career exploration![]()
Career exploration
Career Exploration -
Learning about different careers is a process. Students should not feel that they need to decide now what they will do for long-term work. But finding out which careers might be a good fit for your interests and talents can be fun! Utilize our Career Exploration page to find out information about careers that you already have in mind or take an interest inventory to have careers suggested based on your skills and interests.
For students looking to explore their career path at home, these sites are a good place to start. Engaging in conversation with adults in a variety of occupations can provide some invaluable insight as well.
California CareerZone - California CareerZone is a career exploration and planning system designed especially for students. We encourage students to create an account so they can track their search and note which occupations they find interesting. A good place for students to start is with the Interest Profiler. They can continue on to complete the Work Importance Profiler and Assess Yourself assessment. Comprehensive information on 900 occupations includes state specific wages, worker attributes, job characteristics, and much more.
Big Future - This is CollegeBoard's planner which allows students to find college majors based on their interests, get career ideas or watch videos to see how others decided on careers.