Feeding the Hungry
Davis Community Meals
Description: Provides low‐income and homeless individuals and families with housing, food and human services to help them rebuild their lives.
Volunteer Opportunities: Food preparation, cooking, serving, and clean up. Other volunteer duties vary within the shelter/transitional housing program and cold weather shelter.
- Minimum Age: 12
- Contact: Harmony Scopazzi
- Email: volunteersatdcm@sbcglobal.net
- Phone: (530) 220-4089
- Address: 1111 H Street Davis, CA 95616
- Website: Davis Community Meals
- Prerequisite: Application for shelters (prerequisites vary depending on location where volunteering)
Church of the Harvest
Description: Outreach-oriented church that offers church services, food distributions and assistance to youth.
Volunteer Opportunities: Assist with food distributions, work with the kids, and maintain cleanliness of the sanctuary
- Min. Age: 13+
- Contact: Dina Andrade
- Email: N/A
- Phone: (916) 727-2684
- Address: 8127 Auburn Blvd, Citrus Heights, CA 95610
- Website: Church of the Harvest
- Prerequisites: None
Elk Grove Food Bank
Description: Provides food security and other services to those in need through food distributions, clothes closet and classes.
Volunteer Opportunities: Unpack, organize and distribute food, work in clothes closet (10am-1:30pm shifts)
- Min. Age: 18 (must be able to lift 25 pounds)
- Contact: Renee West- Volunteer Coordinator
- Email: N/A
- Phone: 916-685-8453
- Address: 9820 Dino Drive, Street 140 (behind bldg. with address 9824)
- Website: Elkgrove Foodbank
- Prerequisites: Fill out online application (please bring in/fax – 916-714-9931)
Loaves and Fishes
Description: Feeds the hungry and shelters the homeless by providing an oasis of welcome, safety, and cleanliness for men, women and children seeking survival services.
Volunteer Opportunities: Kitchen help, prepare and serve meals, clean up, wash dishes, mop floors, and set tables.
- Min Age: 14
- Contact: Volunteer Coordinator
- Email: volunteers@sacloaves.org
- Phone: (916) 637-2444
- Address: 1321 North C Street Sacramento CA 95814
- Website: SAC Loaves
- Facebook facebook.sacloaves.org
- Twitter: twitter.sacloaves.org
- Prerequisite: Please call to schedule a time for an orientation
Meals on Wheels
Description: Provides nutritious meals and socialization services to homebound seniors.
Volunteer Opportunities: Preparing and packing meals, office work. Group opportunities: Girl/Boy Scouts, Churches, School groups, etc. help with card-making events, working in the warehouse to prepare meals
- Min. Age: high school without adult supervision; younger ages allowed in groups
- Contact: Jennette Wells
- Email: jwells@mowsac.org
- Phone: (916) 444-9533 ext. 160
- Address: 7311 Greenhaven Drive, Suite 190
- Website: Mowsac.org
- Prerequisites: Application. Volunteer orientation (for some positions)
River City Food Bank
Description: RCFB provides families and individuals who report income at or below the federal poverty line with a three-day supply of nutritionally balanced food. RCFB's "personal shopper" helps each family select specific foods from those available. Located in Midtown Sacramento, the food bank is open 5 days a week from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm.
Volunteer Opportunities: Personal shoppers, stockroom volunteers, intake volunteers, groups.
- Min Age: 15
- Contact Person: Jena Robinson
- Email: jrobinson@rivercityfoodbank.org
- Phone: 916-446-2627
- Address: 1800 28th St. Sacramento, CA 95816
- Website: www.rivercityfoodbank.org
- Social Media: Facebook RiverCityFoodBank
- Twitter: @RCFoodBank
- Prerequisite: None
Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
Description: SFBFS provides free programs, including food, clothing, education classes/trainings, daycare, cooking classes and more to serve families in need.
Volunteer Opportunities: Youth-friendly programs include food (packing and bagging food, helping at offsite food distributions), clothing (sorting and hanging clothing), parent education (sorting and hanging baby clothing and supplies) and senior program (visiting a senior citizen twice a month for friendship/companionship and a delivery of free groceries).
- Min Age: 10; youth under 16 must volunteer alongside a parent
- Contact Person: Robin Simpson, Volunteer Services Manager
- Email: volunteer@sacramentofoodbank.org
- Phone: (916) 456-1980
- Address: 3333 Third Avenue, Sacramento C A95817 (main facility) or 2469 Rio Linda Blvd., Sacramento CA 95815 (Saca Community Learning Center)
- Website: www.sacramentofoodbank.org.
- Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.):
- Facebook: Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services sfbfs
- Twitter: @sacfoodbank
- Instagram: sacfoodbank
- Prerequisite: Attendance to a 1.5 hour volunteer orientation. Sign up for an orientation at www.sacramentofoodbank.org.
Sacramento Hunger Coalition
Description: Public education, outreach, and advocacy to reduce hunger and food insecurity in the Sacramento area.
Volunteer Opportunities: Outreach events, general office and clerical work, graphic design brochures and website.
- Minimum Age: 16
- Contact: Samantha Hodges
- Email: samantha@sachousingalliance.org
- Phone: 916-455-4900 x303
- Address: 1800 21st St, Suite 100, Sacramento 95811
- Social Media: Facebook sachousingalliance
- Website: sachousingalliance.org
- Prerequisites: Interview
St. Philomene Church
Description: Sharing God’s bounty by feeding the hungry.
Volunteer Opportunities: Set up tables and chairs, prepare dinner, and clean up.
- Minimum Age: 14
- Contact: Gerald Hansen
- Email: gerald.hansen@att.net
- Phone: (916) 489-3570
- Address: 2320 El Camino Sacramento, CA 95821 (School gym)
- Website: www.sharinggodsbounty.com
- Prerequisite: Please dress conservatively.
Wellspring Women's Center
Description: Drop-in center for low-income women and children.
Volunteer Opportunities: serve breakfast and/or assist in the children’s play area
- Minimum Age: 12 with a parent/guardian, 14 without.
- Contact: Annie Hassid
- Email: annie@wellspringwomen.org
- Phone: (916) 454-9688 ext. 202
- Address: 3414 4th Avenue Sacramento, CA 95817
- Social Media: Facebook wellspringwomen
- Website: www.wellspringwomen.org
- Prerequisite: Orientation