Staff Resources
Tips for responding to student questions and comments about tragedies in the news. These tips also apply to questions that parents may be fielding from their children.
- Talking to your child about shootings
- Tips and Resources for Teachers and parents
- CA Dept of Edu: Coping with Tragedy
- Safe Schools Information from CDE
- Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Technical Assistance Center
- Talking with Kids about Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
- Teaching in Times of Crisis
- Save the children: How to help children cope
- Listen, Protect and Connect: Psychological First Aid for Teachers and Schools
- Yolo County Child Welfare Services
(530) 669-2345 or 1-888-400-0022
- West Sacramento Police Department
(916) 617-4900
- Mandated Reporters Information
from the California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention
Call 2-1-1
The new 2-1-1 Yolo number uses existing Sacramento County operators. Callers can access Yolo County's Health and Human Services database of helpful information at any time…and in any language. The 2-1-1 call center will look up the information for Yolo County, be able to refer them to that service and say that information out loud. The AT&T language line operator will translate that information and stay on the line. Since its inception in January, calls have included questions about immunizations, emergency shelter, job skills, and tax help.
A selection of files and links to help teachers discuss with students the issues and challenges of the online media world.
Digital Safety - A Course for Teens (the videos have been extracted from this presentation and posted below as separate files to stay within the file size limits of the host.)
Digital Safety presentation notes
Video Slide - You as Publisher: Video Board
Video Slide - Digital Reputation: Real Life
Video Slide - Digital Reputation: "Hi Sarah"
Video Slide - Digital Reputation: Creepy Predator
Video Slide - Online Bullying: Jill's Story
Helpdesk Line (staff only -- for emergency problems that can be resolved by remote access): Call 375-7999 or VoIP extention 1400
Helpdesk website:
Teachers should refer students with login problems to Karen Michener in the library or Estella Delatorre in the Career Center. They can write the Helpdesk ticket or call the Helpdesk Line on behalf of students.