Water Polo
Water Polo Coaching Information:
Head Coach: Ryan Mosley- moeryan@gmail.com
Head Coach: Carrie Nutter- nutter.carrie@gmail.com
Assistant Coach: Betsy Erickson- berickson@wusd.k12.ca.us
If you are interested in Swim, please contact:
Head Coach: Elizabeth Oliphint- elizabetholiphint@gmail.com
Assistant Coach: Betsy Erickson- berickson@wusd.k12.ca.us
Athletic Director:
Brittany Adame- badame@wusd.k12.ca.us
916-375-7800 ext. 2908
Practice Information
You must have your athletic clearance completed before you are allowed to practice.
If you need to get a hold of a coach, please use email found under contacts.
Practice will begin in August 2025
Visitor Information
River City High School parking for water polo games is shared with the City of West Sacramento.
We kindly ask that no guests park in Parking Lot R.
Visiting teams & home families should park in Parking Lot A.
The entrance to the pool is through the front gate to the left of the Recreation Center.