What is PBIS?
What is PBIS?![]()
What is PBIS?
Postive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a system for building and maintaining a postive school culture. Rather than being a system someone else builds and we implement, PBIS gives teams the tools to develop a school identity and culture that is unique and tailored to the needs of that school community.
The PBIS team at RCHS started their journey by deciding on what values are important to our school and community. This is where the Raiders RISE campagin was born - Respect, Inclusivity, Safety, and Engagment.
Throughout the school year, lessons will be developed that teach students what these values mean in different contexts. What does it mean to RISE in a virtual classoom? What does it mean to RISE on social media? What does it mean to RISE in the community?
We encourage you to check this page often for updates on the PBIS team's work, subscribe to our school's YouTube channel to get updates on new videos, and reach out if you're interested in joining the team!